A Resident Evil Drama Series Is in the Works at Netflix

The Walking Dead</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2018/11/19/60be0868-6422-4c14-8f94-9e510017a51d/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/52bd8c00101240fc4aa96a8627054900/181119-the-walking-dead.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2018/11/19/60be0868-6422-4c14-8f94-9e510017a51d/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/38704c23c61e421fed5dc655c63a6f89/181119-the-walking-dead.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2018/11/19/60be0868-6422-4c14-8f94-9e510017a51d/thumbnail/2070×1245/72897f570a6817a07fd06709b7ba19f3/181119-the-walking-dead.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”The Walking Dead” width=”770″>

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Resident Evil might be coming to the small screen.

According to Deadline, Netflix is developing an original series based on the massively popular zombie-fighting movie and video game franchise.

The drama will reportedly expand on the Resident Evil mythology while retaining the franchise’s hallmarks (yes, even the Easter eggs).

Deadline reports that Netflix is working with Constantin Film, which produced the movies starring Milla Jovovich as Alice, who faces off against the insidious Umbrella Corporation and the zombies it unleashed after causing a T-Virus outbreak. The franchise spawned six films, and there has been talk of a seventh film that would reboot the franchise, with writer/director Johannes Roberts (47 Meters Down) at the helm.

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Ali Larter, Milla Jovovich and Ruby Rose star in _Resident Evil: The Final Chapter_.Photo: Ilze Kitshoff / Screen Gems / Sony Pictures

The movies, of course, were loosely based on the Resident Evil Capcom video game series. The Netflix news comes the day before the latest game installment, a remake of 1998’s Resident Evil 2, releases for Xbox One and PlayStation.

Netflix declined to comment. Constantin Film did not immediately return TV Guide’s request for comment.

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